The Beacon Hill Pavilion

The Beacon Hill Pavilion

The Beacon Hill Pavilion, c.1892. the pavilion was built at the top of the Incline as an attraction to increase ridership.
Seventh Avenue West and Eighth Street, Duluth

The Beatles arrive at Twin City Metropolitan Airport

The Beatles arrive at Twin City Metropolitan Airport

The Beatles arrive at Twin City Metropolitan Airport on August 21, 1965. Photograph by the St. Paul Dispatch–Pioneer Press.

Black and white photograph of The Beatles in concert at Metropolitan Stadium, Bloomington, August 21, 1965. Photograph: Neale, St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press.

The Beatles in concert at Metropolitan Stadium

The Beatles in concert at Metropolitan Stadium, Bloomington, August 21, 1965. Photograph: Neale, St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press.

The Beatles performing at Metropolitan Stadium

The Beatles performing at Metropolitan Stadium

The Beatles performing at Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington, Minnesota, August 21, 1965. Photograph by the St. Paul Dispatch–Pioneer Press.

The Beatles performing at Metropolitan Stadium

The Beatles performing at Metropolitan Stadium

The Beatles performing at Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington, Minnesota, August 21, 1965. Photograph by the St. Paul Dispatch–Pioneer Press.

Singer Maurice McKennies with The Blazers performing in the Cozy Bar club on Plymouth Avenue in North Minneapolis, ca. 1968. Photo by Mike Zerby, Minneapolis Tribune.

The Blazers at the Cozy Bar

Singer Maurice McKennies with The Blazers performing in the Cozy Bar club on Plymouth Avenue in North Minneapolis, ca. 1968. Photo by Mike Zerby, Minneapolis Tribune.

Black and white photograph of an eight-person mixed-blood Ojibwe family, including a baby, on the White Earth Reservation, ca. 1897.

The Blu family

An eight-person mixed-blood Ojibwe family, including a baby, on the White Earth Reservation, ca. 1897.

Black and white photograph of the Bradstreet House, 327 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, ca. 1918.

The Bradstreet House

The Bradstreet House, 327 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, ca. 1918.

Front cover of the March, 1926 issue of the Calgary Eye Opener

The Calgary Eye Opener

Front cover of the March, 1926 issue of the Calgary Eye Opener.

The cast of Eden

The cast of Eden

The cast of Eden onstage at Penumbra Theatre. Artistic director Lou Bellamy stands at the far left. Photograph by Steve Carter, 1977. From Penumbra Theatre Company records (GV002), Archie Givens, Sr. Collection of African American Literature. University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis.


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