Archbishop Ireland at the ground breaking ceremony for the Basilica

Archbishop Ireland at the ground breaking ceremony for the Basilica

Archbishop John Ireland at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, 1907.

Archbishop John Gregory Murray

Archbishop John Gregory Murray

John Gregory Murray (center), Archbishop of St. Paul, at the cornerstone dedication of the Church of St. Columba (St. Paul), February 1949. From New Church Dedication Book: A Retrospect of Thirty-Six Years, 1914–1950 (St. Paul: Church of St. Columba, [1950]), page 24.

Black and white photograph of Archbishop John Ireland, c.1900.

Archbishop John Ireland

Archbishop John Ireland, c.1900.

Archbishop John Ireland

Archbishop John Ireland

John Ireland, 1862. Photograph by A. Larson.

Archbishop John Ireland

Archbishop John Ireland

Archbishop John Ireland, c.1910. Artist unknown.

Archbishop John Ireland speaking at the dedication of the Exposition Building

Archbishop John Ireland speaking at the dedication of the Exposition Building

John Ireland speaking at the dedication of the Exposition Building, August 23, 1886.

Archery class at Hallie Q. Brown House

Archery class at Hallie Q. Brown House

Archery class at Hallie Q. Brown House, ca. 1950.

Black and white Carte-de-visite of Archibald Calquhoun, Private, Eleventh Minnesota Infantry Regiment, Company D., taken in 1864 or 1865.

Archibald Calquhoun, Private, Eleventh Minnesota Infantry, Company D

Carte-de-visite of Archibald Calquhoun, Private, Eleventh Minnesota Infantry Regiment, Company D, taken in 1864 or 1865.

Archie Bauman and his father

Archie Bauman and his father

Protester Archie Baumann and his son rest during the People’s Lobby’s occupation of the Minnesota Capitol on the night of April 4, 1937.

Arctic wolves

Arctic wolves

Two Arctic wolves (a subspecies of gray wolf) in the ambassador pack at the International Wolf Center show interest in an enrichment exercise in their enclosure, 2019.


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