Ammunition inspection at Twin Cities Ordnance Plant

Ammunition inspection at Twin Cities Ordnance Plant

Ammunition inspection, Twin Cities Ordnance Plant, 1940s. Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant files, box 143.E.17.2F. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Ampers Podcast: MN90: My State Fair is Bigger than Your State Fair

Minnesota State Fair employee Brienna Schuette considers whether the Great Minnesota Get-Together can claim to be the biggest state fair in the United States.

Amy Juarez and Baby Hamilton

Amy Juarez and Baby Hamilton

Babysitter Amy Juarez with Baby Hamilton. Hamilton was separated from his mother, Catalina, after the ICE raids in Worthington on December 12, 2006. Photograph by Diego Velez for the Minnesota Immigrant Freedom Network, December 17, 2006.

Drawing of two individuals contemplating how to grow corn in Minnesota’s cold climate.

An Agricultural Challenge to Farmers

Two individuals contemplating how to grow corn in Minnesota’s cold climate.

An Ojibwe family standing by bull rush wigwam

An Ojibwe family standing by bull rush wigwam

An Ojibwe family standing by a bull rush wigwam, c.1910.

Black and white photograph of Dr. Ancel Keys, 1946.

Ancel Keys

Dr. Ancel Keys, 1946.

Ancient ceramic vessel with evidence of wild rice

Ancient ceramic vessel with evidence of wild rice

St. Croix stamped ceramic vessel containing evidence of wild rice. Created by Native people who lived in the Upper Mississippi region before 640 CE.

Andrea Jenkins in Storied: Queer Voices

The Storied: Queer Voices series interviews Andrea Jenkins, a poet, writer, transgender activist, and educator. Jenkins, a Ward 8 council member and vice president of the Minneapolis City Council, holds an MFA in creative writing from Hamline University and teaches poetry at Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She is a co-editor of Queer Voices: Poetry, Prose, and Pride. Her book of poetry is titled The T is Not Silent: new and selected poems. Her writing is also featured in the MNHS Press books Blues Vision: African American Writing from Minnesota and A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota.

Black and white photograph of Andrew J. Volstead, 1903.

Andrew J. Volstead

Andrew J. Volstead, 1903.

Andrew Nelson

Andrew Nelson

Andrew Nelson at the US Penitentiary in Leavenworth, ca. 1930. National Archives at Kansas City, Record Group 129, Records of the Bureau of Prisons, Leavenworth Penitentiary, Inmate Case Files (1895–1952), National Archives Identifier 571125. Used in Paul Nelson, “Fraud of the Century,” Ramsey County History 59, no. 2 (Spring 2024), 9; used here with the permission of Ramsey County History.


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