Irene Marie Gomez in high school

Irene Marie Gomez in high school

Irene Marie Gomez in high school, 1950s. Used with the permission of Jesse Bethke Gomez.

Irene Marie Gomez with a high school friend

Irene Marie Gomez with a high school friend

Irene Marie Gomez (right) with a friend during high school, 1950s. Used with the permission of Jesse Bethke Gomez.

Irene Marie Gomez with family

Irene Marie Gomez with family

Irene Marie Gomez (first row, center) with extended family, 1940s. Used with the permission of Jesse Bethke Gomez.

Irene Paull as a child with her siblings

Irene Paull as a child with her siblings

Irene Levine Paull (right) as a child with her siblings Sam and Etta, c.1915.

Irene Paull Testifying Before HUAC

Irene Paull Testifying Before HUAC

Irene Levine Paull testifying before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), July 2, 1963.

Irene Paull, Joe Paszak, and unidentified person

Irene Paull, Joe Paszak, and unidentified person

Irene Paull, Joe Paszak, and an unidentified person, 1937.

Black and white photograph of Irene Wachter Jobe, Jean Strickler, and Mrs. Robert Wurdan, 1959.

Irene Wachter Jobe, Jean Strickler, and Mrs. Robert Wurdan

Irene Wachter Jobe, Jean Strickler, and Mrs. Robert Wurdan, 1959.

Color image of Iron Lake, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, 2012.

Iron Lake

Iron Lake, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, 2012.

Iron lung patient and staff, Sister Kenny Institute, Minneapolis.

Iron lung patient and staff, Sister Kenny Institute, Minneapolis

Iron lung patient and staff, Sister Kenny Institute, Minneapolis. c.1942.

Iron lung used at Kenny Institute

Iron lung used at Kenny Institute

Iron lung used at Kenny Institute. 'The Emerson Respirator' manufactured by the J.H. Emerson Co., Cambridge 40, MA, 1953. Juvenile size iron lung used at Sister Kenny Institute, Minneapolis, to treat polio patients.


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