International Institute Committee welcoming refugees in New York Harbor, 1952

International Institute Committee welcoming refugees in New York Harbor, 1952

St. Paul International Institute Board of Directors’ President, Katherine Skiles Klein (second from right, standing). Included in this group were five immigrants going to St. Paul: Max and Helena Kurzfield (Poland), Leontine Treastas, Marija Skutans, and Johannes Theodor Raestas (Latvia). Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute groundbreaking ceremony

International Institute groundbreaking ceremony

1979 groundbreaking for the International Institute of Minnesota Nationality Cultural Center addition. Taken outside the International Institute of Minnesota at 1694 Como Avenue in St. Paul. Institute members are dressed in traditional costumes. In the center, with the shovel, is Gretchen Quie (then-Governor Quie’s wife), International Institute Board Member Earl Bell (left), and Board Member Edward Bruno (right). Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute of Minnesota building, 1973

International Institute of Minnesota building, 1973

International Institute of Minnesota building at 1694 Como Avenue in St. Paul; photographed in 1973. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

International Institute, 1949

International Institute, 1949

1949 photo of the International Institute in downtown St. Paul. The building at 183 W. Kellogg is the second building from the right, at the former intersection of Kellogg and Exchange Street. The Institute moved into the building in June of 1946. This is now the site of the St. Paul RiverCentre.

International Institute, St. Paul

International Institute, St. Paul

International Institute, 183–187 West Kellogg, St. Paul, 1949 (second building on the right). Just left of that is the building used as the St. Paul Resettlement Hostel. The International Institute moved into this building in June of 1946.

St. Paul Resettlement Committee meetings and cultural activities for Japanese and Japanese Americans were held in the club rooms at the International Institute.

International Institute, St. Paul

International Institute, St. Paul

International Institute building at 183 W. Kellogg, St. Paul, 1970. This photo was taken before demolition to make way for the St. Paul Civic Center. Note the artistic rendering of a geranium in a pot on the corner of the building. The red geranium was called an “international flower” and was an important symbol to the International Institute in St. Paul. Photographer Lucy Jackson Habermann.

International Wolf Center

International Wolf Center

The International Wolf Center in Ely, 2019.

International Wolf Center, Ely

Footage of wolves at the International Wolf Center in Ely filmed by Linda A. Cameron in 2019.

Interpreters at Snake River Fur Post

Interpreters at Snake River Fur Post

Voyageur interpreters at Snake River Fur Post (called North West Fur Post at the time), ca. 1975. Pictured are (left to right) a grandson of Gene Dunckley; Gene Dunckley (standing); and Pete Dunckley.

Interpretive sign along Savanna Portage, 2018. Photograph by Jon Lurie; used with the permission of Jon Lurie.

Interpretive sign along Savanna Portage

Interpretive sign along Savanna Portage, 2018. Photograph by Jon Lurie; used with the permission of Jon Lurie.


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