Color image of the interior of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, 2008. Photograph by Dean Shareski.

Interior of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome

Interior of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, 2008. Photograph by Dean Shareski.

Black and white photograph of the interior of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, ca. 1883.

Interior of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church

Interior of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, ca. 1890s.

Interior of the original Church of St. Columba

Interior of the original Church of St. Columba

Interior of the original Church of St. Columba, St. Paul, ca. 1920.

Interior of the Persian Palms Tavern

Interior of the Persian Palms Tavern

The interior of the Persian Palms Tavern (109–111 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis), August 1945.

Black and white photograph of the interior of the Round Tower Museum, 1941.

Interior of the Round Tower Museum

Interior of the Round Tower Museum, 1941.

Black and white photograph of the interior of the sanctuary in St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral, c.1910.

Interior of the sanctuary in St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral

Interior of the sanctuary in St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral, c.1910.

Interior of the Stockholm Bar

Interior of the Stockholm Bar

Interior of the Stockholm Bar (33–35 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis), 1960.

Interior of Thomas Lowry's private car

Interior of Thomas Lowry's private car

Thomas Lowry’s private streetcar, interior, c.1900.

Black and white photograph of the interior of Thomas Lowry's private streetcar, c.1900.

Interior of Thomas Lowry's private streetcar

Interior of Thomas Lowry's private streetcar, c.1900.

Black and white photograph of the interior of warehouse, St. Paul branch of Weyerhaeuser Company, ca. 1935.

Interior of warehouse, St. Paul branch of Weyerhaeuser Company

Interior of warehouse, St. Paul branch of Weyerhaeuser Company, ca. 1935.


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