A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Interior of the entrance to the Minnesota Building, 2009. Photograph by Thomas R. Zahn.
Terrazzo flooring and marble walls of the Minnesota Building, 2009. Photograph by Thomas R. Zahn.
Interior of 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, during the Irvine family's occupation, ca. 1920.
Interior of 1006 Summit, St. Paul, during the Irvine family's occupation, ca. 1920.
Interior of a Dakota tipi, ca. 1880. Photograph by Charles Zimmerman.
Interior of a lumber mill, ca. 1915.
Interior of a President's Conference Committee (PCC) streetcar, September 5, 1953. Photographed by John Runk, Jr.
Pullman Golden Express, c.1915. Courtesy New York Public Library.
Sawmill interior, ca. 1900. Photo by Scholl.