Political candidate Ilhan Omar on the campaign trail, October 4, 2016. Omar won her election in 2017 and became the first Somali person to join the Minnesota State Legislature. CC BY-SA 4.0.
Minnesota State Representative Ilhan Omar, 2017. Omar was elected to the US House of Representative in 2018. Photograph by Wikimedia user Leopaltik1242; CC BY-SA 4.0.
Sticker promoting Ilhan Omar's campaign for Minnesota State Representative, 2016. Omar won Minnesota's DFL state primary over forty-four-year incumbent DFL Representative Phyllis Kahn and was elected the nation's first Somali American legislator on November 8.
Photograph of the brickyard run by Herman and Joseph Imdieke, c.1890. From the Fred W. Peterson archival collection, Stearns History Museum, St. Cloud.