The Exhibit of Institutions under the charge of the State Board of Control at the Minnesota State Fair in 1915.

Exhibit of Institutions under the charge of the State Board of Control, State Fair

The Exhibit of Institutions under the charge of the State Board of Control at the Minnesota State Fair in 1915.

“Exhibit of the American Negroes at the Paris Exposition.” From the American Monthly Review of Reviews XXII, no. 130 (November 1900): 576.

Exhibit of photography by African American photographers at the 1900 Paris Exposition

“Exhibit of the American Negroes at the Paris Exposition.” From the American Monthly Review of Reviews XXII, no. 130 (November 1900): 576.

Exhibition gallery at Walker Art Center

Exhibition gallery at Walker Art Center

An installation view of the exhibition “Absentee Landlord,” curated by John Waters for the Walker Art Center in 2012. Photograph by Flickr user Mark B. Schlemmer on May 3, 2012. CC BY 2.0.

Photograph of an exhibition golf match between Wilford "Captain Billy" Fawcett and American champion Walter Hagen at Breezy Point Resort, 1926.

Exhibition golf match at Breezy Point Resort

Photograph of an exhibition golf match between Wilford "Captain Billy" Fawcett and American champion Walter Hagen at Breezy Point Resort, 1926.

Exhibition room at the Minneapolis Institute of Art featuring objects designed by John S. Bradstreet and Company, including a green velvet window curtain with matching valance, ca. 1904.

Exhibition room at the Minneapolis Institute of Art

Exhibition room at the Minneapolis Institute of Art featuring objects designed by John S. Bradstreet and Company, including a green velvet window curtain with matching valance, ca. 1904.

Exposition Building and St. Anthony Falls, Minneapolis

Exposition Building and St. Anthony Falls, Minneapolis

The Exposition Building and St. Anthony Falls, c.1895.

Exposition Building, Central Avenue and Prince Street, Minneapolis

Exposition Building, Central Avenue and Prince Street, Minneapolis

Exposition Building when it was owned by the M. W. Savage Company, 1936.

Exposition Building, Minneapolis

Exposition Building, Minneapolis

Advertisement for the first Industrial Exposition with image of new building, 1886.

Extending Soo Line tracks, Minneapolis

Extending Soo Line tracks, Minneapolis

Extending Soo Line tracks, Minneapolis, 1892.

Back and white photograph of the exterior of Cottage Four at the State School, c.1900.

Exterior of cottage four at Owatonna State School, Owatonna

Exterior of Cottage Four at the State School, c.1900.


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