English class at the St. Paul YWCA, 1938

English class at the St. Paul YWCA, 1938

Class photo of an English class at the International Institute. Caption from the St. Paul Pioneer Press: “Lou Ngew, left, Chin Yuk Hing, and Chin Yuk Cue are being taught reading by Miss Shirley Flatiage Institute English Instructor Oct. 3, 1938.” Photograph used with the permission of the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

English class for Southeast Asian refugees

English class for Southeast Asian refugees

Otto Werner, a member of the New Ulm National Guard, teaches English to Southeast Asian refugees, ca. 1974.

English class for Spanish-speaking women

English class for Spanish-speaking women

English class for Spanish-speaking women held in St. Paul, 1930s. The class was organized by the Works Progress Administration’s adult education department.

English-French-Dakota Dictionary, 1835

English-French-Dakota Dictionary, 1835

Partially trilingual English‒French‒Dakota dictionary written by Lawrence Taliaferro’s brother-in-law, H. N. Dillon, in 1835.

Black and white engraved portrait of Henry M. Rice, c.1860.

Engraved portrait of Henry M. Rice

Engraved portrait of Henry M. Rice, c.1860.

Engraving of Alexander Ramsey, 1850

Engraving of Alexander Ramsey, 1850

Engraving of Alexander Ramsey in about 1850, the same year as the Sandy Lake Tragedy.

Engraving of the Como Shops published in Northwest magazine (April 1886, page 12).

Engraving of the Como Shops

Engraving of the Como Shops published in Northwest magazine (April 1886, page 12).

Black and white engraving made in 1863 of the exterior of St. Joseph’s Academy.

Engraving of the exterior of St. Joseph’s Academy

Engraving made in 1863 of the exterior of St. Joseph’s Academy. Image reproduced by Claussen's Studio of St. Paul and used courtesy of the archives of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, St. Paul Province.

Black and white photograph of enlisted men of the Sixteenth Battalion, Minnesota Home Guard, c.1918.

Enlisted men of the Sixteenth Battalion, Minnesota Home Guard

Enlisted men of the Sixteenth Battalion, Minnesota Home Guard, c.1918.

Black and white photograph of Enmegahbowh (Reverend John Johnson), c.1885.

Enmegahbowh (Reverend John Johnson)

Enmegahbowh (Reverend John Johnson), c.1885.


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