Somali women pray in the women’s prayer room at Dar Al-Hijrah during the holiday of Eid Al-Fitr, which ends the holy month of Ramadan. Photograph by Mohamud Mumin, 2013.
The regiment's battle flag consists of one layer of silk with the federal seal painted in the center. Remnants of gold fringe are attached to the top and bottom of the flag. The Eighth received its flag in Paynesville, Minnesota, in May of 1864.
Voucher for $390 issued to Einar A. Rogstad in recognition of his service during World War I by the State of Minnesota’s Auditor’s Office and the Soldiers’ Bonus Board in March 1920.
Einer Halvorsen Bonde and Berit Olsdatter Egge Bonde in Nerstrand, Minnesota,, ca. 1875. Used with the permission of the Norwegian-American Historical Association.
“El Espíritu Del Río” (The Spirit of the River) mural painted by Joshua Sarantitis at 178 Cesar Chavez Street, St. Paul. Photograph by Wayfinder user Nomiker, July 7, 2011.