1958 Rural-Urban Tour picnic, featuring Cliff Pyle (moderator); Gloria Jenson (consumer); Art Tweet (grocers’ problems); and Mrs. William Ewing (farmers’ problems).

1958 Rural-Urban Tour picnic

1958 Rural-Urban Tour picnic, featuring Cliff Pyle (moderator); Gloria Jenson (consumer); Art Tweet (grocers’ problems); and Mrs. William Ewing (farmers’ problems).

Polaris sales brochure produced after Edgar Hetteen’s pivotal Alaska-proving trek, ca. 1960. From “Pamphlets relating to snowmobiles and snow cruisers, 1939–.” Pamphlets collection (TL234), Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

1960 Polaris sales brochure

Polaris sales brochure produced after Edgar Hetteen’s pivotal Alaska-proving trek, ca. 1960. From “Pamphlets relating to snowmobiles and snow cruisers, 1939–.” Pamphlets collection (TL234), Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

1961 Minnesota Twins concession cup

1961 Minnesota Twins concession cup

Waxed paper concession cup of the type used to serve beverages at the Minnesota Twins' home games at Metropolitan Stadium. Manufactured in 1961.

1961 Polaris Sno-Traveler. This snowmobile was originally painted red and was decorated with white stenciling, decals, and pinstripes.

1961 Sno-Traveler

1961 Polaris Sno-Traveler. This snowmobile was originally painted red and was decorated with white stenciling, decals, and pinstripes.

1963 Polaris Sno-Traveler at a show-and-swap meet in Maple Lake, Minnesota, August 2017. Photograph by Flickr user Greg Gjerdingen. CC BY 2.0.

1963 Sno-Traveler

1963 Polaris Sno-Traveler at a show-and-swap meet in Maple Lake, Minnesota, August 2017. Photograph by Flickr user Greg Gjerdingen. CC BY 2.0.

1964 Polaris sales brochure. From “Pamphlets relating to snowmobiles and snow cruisers, 1939–.” Pamphlets collection (TL234), Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

1964 Polaris sales brochure

1964 Polaris sales brochure. From “Pamphlets relating to snowmobiles and snow cruisers, 1939–.” Pamphlets collection (TL234), Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

1965 Minnesota Twins

1965 Minnesota Twins

Photograph of the 1965 Minnesota Twins used as part of an advertisement for Hamm’s Beer, 1965.

1965 Minnesota Twins World Series pin

1965 Minnesota Twins World Series pin

Metal clasp-pin button shaped like the state of Minnesota, featuring the Minnesota Twins' handshake logo, produced for the 1965 World Series between the Twins and the Los Angeles Dodgers.

1967 Festival of Nations

1967 Festival of Nations

The 1967 Festival of Nations, sponsored by the International Institute and held in the St. Paul Civic Auditorium, November 9‒12, 1967.

Polaris sleds dominated the 1967 St. Paul Winter Carnival “500” snowmobile race. From envelope titled “Snowmobile race, January 1967, trans returned,” box 612 of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Newspaper Negatives Collection (1936–1987), Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

1967 Winter Carnival snowmobile race

Polaris sleds dominated the 1967 St. Paul Winter Carnival “500” snowmobile race. From envelope titled “Snowmobile race, January 1967, trans returned,” box 612 of the
Minneapolis and St. Paul Newspaper Negatives Collection (1936–1987), Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.


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