A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Dan Patch money clip.
Dan Patch racing at the Minnesota State Fair, c.1905.
Tobacco tin featuring images of Dan Patch, 1910s.
Dan Patch with driver Harry Hersey, 1906.
Dan Patch with his private train car, 1904.
Dan Patch's stable, c.1905.
All-night dance party held inside First Avenue on April 21, 2016, after the death of Prince.
Pop-up dance party in the streets outside of First Avenue on April 21, 2016, the day of the death of Prince.
The Minneapolis-based dance group Wattanak performs at a benefit party held at Watt Munisotaram on April 4, 2012. Photograph by Hannah Comstock-Gay.
Ojibwe black velvet dance shirt was probably made for Kay-zhe-baush-kung (Otto Bismark) of Walker, Minnesota. Purchased by Neal Barnard at the Leech Lake Reservation ca.1920.