Constructing the roof of the capitol's senate chamber

Constructing the roof of the capitol's senate chamber

Original description on print: “No. 119 Minnesota State Capitol, Cass Gilbert Architect, Iron Work Over Senate Chamber, September 1, 1900.” Photograph album, May 1896–November 1905 (+Reserve 47, Box 1). Minnesota Board of State Capitol Commissioners records, 1892–1914.

Black and white photograph of the wading pool being built in Central Park, 1929.

Constructing the wading pool, Central Park, St. Paul

Building the wading pool in St. Paul's Central Park, 1929. The view is south-southeast. Photograph by the St. Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press.

Black and white photograph of a construction crew at work on a bridge along the right of way, 1929. Photograph by Briol Studio.

Construction crew at work on a bridge along the right of way

Construction crew at work on a bridge along the right of way, 1929. Photograph by Briol Studio.

Construction II

Construction II

1940 Charles Biederman sculpture. Painted wood and metal rods; 62½ x 48¾ x 10¾ in.

Black and white photograph of construction of a stone building by CCC Company 2710, Gooseberry Falls, ca. 1938.

Construction of a stone building Gooseberry Falls

Construction of a stone building by CCC Company 2710, Gooseberry Falls, ca. 1938.

Black and white photograph of the construction of a new building for B'nai Abraham Congregation (later B'nai Emet Synagogue) at Ottawa Avenue and Highway 7, St. Louis Park, December 8, 1958.

Construction of B'nai Abraham Congregation (later B'nai Emet Synagogue)

Construction of a new building for B'nai Abraham Congregation (later B'nai Emet Synagogue) at Ottawa Avenue and Highway 7, St. Louis Park, December 8, 1958.

1909 Photograph showing the B'nai Abraham Synagogue under construction

Construction of B'nai Abraham synagogue in Virginia

Construction of B'nai Abraham synagogue in Virginia, 1909.

Black and white photograph of the construction of I-94 at the former intersection of Rondo and Fairview Avenues, September 1, 1967.

Construction of I-94 on the site of Rondo Avenue

Construction of I-94 at the former intersection of Rondo and Fairview Avenues, September 1, 1967.

Construction of Jefferson Highway

Construction of Jefferson Highway

Construction of Jefferson Highway. Photograph by C. S. Burdsol, 1919.

Construction of Jefferson Highway in Anoka County

Construction of Jefferson Highway in Anoka County

Construction of Jefferson Highway in Anoka County, 1919.


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