Color scan of a City of Minneapolis Election Map, 1946.

City of Minneapolis Election Map

City of Minneapolis Election Map, 1946.

Civic Caucus event with No Labels Minnesota

Civic Caucus event with No Labels Minnesota

The Civic Caucus co-conducts its “The Politics of Problem Solving” event with No Labels Minnesota at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis. Used with permission.

Civic Caucus interview panel at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis

Civic Caucus interview panel at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis

The Civic Caucus interviews Marina Munoz Lyon at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis. Pictured are (clockwise from left) Marina Munoz Lyon, Paul Gilje, Steve Anderson, T. Williams, Randy Johnson, Dana Schroeder, John Adams, Pat Davies, Anne Carlson, Paul Ostrow, Bill Rudelius, and Clarence Shallbetter. Photograph by Janis Clay, May 5, 2017. Used with permission.

Civic Caucus interview panel at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis

Civic Caucus interview panel at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis

The Civic Caucus interview panel conducts an interview at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis. Pictured are (from left to right) Randy Johnson, Steve Anderson, T. Williams, and Paul Gilje. Photograph by Janis Clay, June 23, 2017. Used with permission.

Civic Caucus interview panel at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis

Civic Caucus interview panel at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis

The Civic Caucus interview panel conducts an interview at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis. Photograph by Janis Clay, January 15, 2018. Used with permission.

Civic Caucus interviewers after a subject-matter expert interview

Civic Caucus interviewers Dana Schroeder, Pat Davies, Randy Johnson, and John Adams converse after a subject-matter expert interview at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis. Photograph by Janis Clay, May 5, 2017. Used with permission.

Black and white photograph of civil defense instructor training, 1962.

Civil defense instructor training

Civil defense instructor training, 1962.

Civil War bullets

Civil War bullets

Six bullets retrieved from the Mill Springs Battlefield by George L. Gates, Co. A, Second Minnesota Volunteer Infantry.

Image of hand-painted drum composed of a walnut-stained wood shell and black hoops with rope tuning cords.

Civil War drum

Hand-painted drum composed of a walnut-stained wood shell and black hoops with rope tuning cords. The drum was used in the Civil War by Calvin R. Fix, a private in the 4th Minnesota Infantry Regiment who rose to the rank of Principal Musician in the Eleventh Minnesota.

Civil War officers

Civil War officers Henry C. Coates, Mark W. Downie, Wilson B. Farrell, Louis Muller, Samuel T. Raguet, and Charles Zierenberg, ca. 1862.


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