Color Illustration of waterfall in Niagara Cave

Waterfall inside Niagara Cave

Postcard with a color illustration of a waterfall inside Niagara Cave, Harmony, Minnesota, ca. 1945.

Black and white photograph of watermelon display at the Minnesota State Fair, 1895.

Watermelon display, Minnesota State Fair

Watermelon display, Minnesota State Fair, 1895.

Watkins Building, Winona

Watkins Building, Winona

Watkins Building, Winona, c.1929.

Watt Munisotaram

Watt Munisotaram

Watt Munisotaram, a Cambodian Buddhist temple in Hampton, Minnesota, 2021.

WCCO Wheaties Quartet

WCCO Wheaties Quartet

The WCCO Wheaties Quartet, which performed the “Gold Medal Fast Freight” radio program in the 1930s.

Black and white photograph of a food demonstration for WCCO-TV, 1957.

WCCO-TV food demonstration

Food demonstration for WCCO-TV, 1957.

Black and white photograph of a WDGY radio tower, 1947. Photographed by the Minneapolis Star Journal.  The optometry shop of Dr. George Young, the founder of WDGY, is visible below the tower.

WDGY radio tower

WDGY radio tower, 1947. Photographed by the Minneapolis Star Journal. The optometry shop of Dr. George Young, the founder of WDGY, is visible below the tower.

Weatherball coin bank

Weatherball coin bank

Bronze-finished metal Weatherball coin bank offered free to those opening savings accounts with $25 or more at a Northwestern National Bank in October 1959.

Weatherball on top of the Northwestern National Bank

Weatherball on top of the Northwestern National Bank

Weatherball on top of the Northwestern National Bank building, Minneapolis, 1950.

Webb Publishing Company, special equipment that assembles and binds telephone directories.

Webb Publishing Company, special equipment that assembles and binds telephone directories.

Webb Publishing Company, special equipment that assembles and binds telephone directories, 1937.


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