Black and white photograph of YMCA worker Julia Swenson holding a grenade, ca. 1919. Photographer unknown.

YMCA worker Julia Swenson

YMCA worker Julia Swenson holding a grenade, ca. 1919. Photographer unknown.

Black and white photograph of Yom Kippur service at Sons of Jacob.

Yom Kippur service at Sons of Jacob

Yom Kippur service at Sons of Jacob.

Young Brothers Barber Shop and Satin Doll Beauty Salon, 1918 Plymouth Avenue North, Minneapolis, ca. 1970s. The Young brothers owned multiple barber shops on Plymouth Avenue North.

Young Brothers Barber Shop and Satin Doll Beauty Salon

Young Brothers Barber Shop and Satin Doll Beauty Salon, 1918 Plymouth Avenue North, Minneapolis, ca. 1970s. The Young brothers owned multiple barber shops on Plymouth Avenue North.

Black and white photograph of Young Judea convention at Sons of Jacob.

Young Judea convention at Sons of Jacob

Young Judea convention committee members Elaine Handleman, Miryom Arnold, and Stan Kaplan at Sons of Jacob Synagogue in St. Paul, 1956.

Black and white photograph of a young men's basketball team at the Jewish Educational Center in Saint Paul, c.1940.

Young men's basketball team at the Jewish Educational Center in Saint Paul

A young men's basketball team at the Jewish Educational Center in Saint Paul with Athletic Director Morris Katz (first on left) ca.1940. The programming arm of the J. E. C., known as the Jewish Center Activities Association, oversaw social and recreational activities at the Center.

Black and white photograph of a young men's basketball team at the Jewish Educational Center in Saint Paul, c.1940. The programming arm of the J. E. C., known as the Jewish Center Activities Association, oversaw social and recreational activities at the Center.

Young men's basketball team at the Jewish Educational Center in Saint Paul

young men's basketball team at the Jewish Educational Center in Saint Paul, c.1940. The programming arm of the J. E. C., known as the Jewish Center Activities Association, oversaw social and recreational activities at the Center.

Black and white photograph of Young Mexican American women in Minnesota, c. 1950.

Young Mexican American women

Young Mexican American women in Minnesota, c. 1950.

Black and white photograph of young people leaving concert, 1943.

Young people leaving concert

Young people leaving concert, 1943.

Young people outside concert hall, 1911.

Young people outside concert hall

Young people outside concert hall, 1911.

Black and white photograph of a young W.T. Francis. The image is from the St. Paul Appeal, May 2, 1903, p. 3, when Francis was thirty-four, but shows Francis years earlier. This is the first known photograph of him.

Young William T. Francis

A young W.T. Francis. The image is from the St. Paul Appeal, May 2, 1903, when Francis was thirty-four, but shows Francis years earlier. This is the first known photograph of him.


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