Minnesota Loon Restoration Project map

Minnesota Loon Restoration Project map

Map highlighting the eight counties where Minnesota’s Loon Restoration Project is taking place, 2024. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Black and white photograph of Minnesota Macaroni factory, 114 West Fairfield c.1917.

Minnesota Macaroni factory, 114 West Fairfield

Minnesota Macaroni factory, 114 West Fairfield c.1917. Image from Aronovici, Carol. Housing Conditions in the City of Saint Paul. St. Paul: Amherst H. Wilder Charity, 1917, 46.

Color image of the Minnesota Machinery Museum, Hanley Falls. Date unknown.

Minnesota Machinery Museum

Minnesota Machinery Museum, Hanley Falls, date unknown.

Color image of a cardboard lawn sign distributed by Minnesotans United for All Families in opposition to the Minnesota Marriage Amendment, proposed in 2012.

Minnesota Marriage Amendment yard sign

Cardboard lawn sign distributed by Minnesotans United for All Families in opposition to the Minnesota Marriage Amendment, proposed in 2012.

Minnesota men at Camp Meade?

Minnesota men at Camp Meade?

Members of the Fifteenth Regiment in their lodgings at Camp Mead, 1898.

Poster produced by Minnesota Men of Color, ca. 2000. Design by Benjamin P. Constantino; photography by Chuck Smith.

Minnesota Men of Color HIV/AIDS poster

Poster produced by Minnesota Men of Color, ca. 2000. Design by Benjamin P. Constantino; photography by Chuck Smith.

Images from a poster used by Minnesota Men of Color, ca. 2000. The organization’s founders, Nick Metcalf and Edd Lee, are pictured at the top right and bottom left. Photographs by Chuck Smith.

Minnesota Men of Color poster

Images from a poster used by Minnesota Men of Color, ca. 2000. The organization’s founders, Nick Metcalf and Edd Lee, are pictured at the top right and bottom left. Photographs by Chuck Smith.

Black and white photograph of Minnesota Motor Corps encampment, Camp Lakeview, Lake City, c.1918.

Minnesota Motor Corps encampment

Minnesota Motor Corps encampment, Camp Lakeview, Lake City, c.1918.

Black and white photograph of Minnesota Motor Corps officers and color guard at Camp Lakeview, Lake City, Minnesota, September, 1918. Motor Corps commander, Colonel Stephens, is kneeling left of the colors in the light colored tunic.

Minnesota Motor Corps officers and color guard

Minnesota Motor Corps officers and color guard at Camp Lakeview, Lake City, Minnesota, September, 1918. Motor Corps commander, Colonel Stephens, is kneeling left of the colors in the light colored tunic. Photograph from Minnesota Historical Society Sound and Visual Collection II.4.

The Minnesota North Stars compete at Metropolitan Sports Center, 1969. The Minnesota North Stars brought the NHL to Minnesota in 1967.

Minnesota North Stars

The Minnesota North Stars compete at Metropolitan Sports Center, 1969. The Minnesota North Stars brought the NHL to Minnesota in 1967.


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