Color image of the home jersey worn by Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Cris Carter in 1995.

Jersey worn by Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Cris Carter

Home jersey worn by Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Cris Carter in 1995.

Black and white photographs of Jesse (left) and Frank James (right), c.1863.

Jesse (left) and Frank James (right)

Jesse (left) and Frank James (right), c.1863.

Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura in 1996. Photo by John Matthew Smith. CC BY-SA 2.0

Jesse Ventura speaking

Jesse Ventura speaking

Jesse Ventura speaking to the Minnesota YMCA Youth In Government Model Assembly, 2000. The assembly met on the House floor inside the Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul. Photo by Wikimedia Commons user venturaYIG. CC BY-SA 2.0

Jesse Ventura St. Patrick’s Day card

Jesse Ventura St. Patrick’s Day card

St. Patrick’s Day card with a cartoon of Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, ca. 1999/2000. The text reads, on the front side, “After a glass of St. Patrick’s Day cheer…” and finishes on the inside, “...the streets of St. Paul become perfectly clear!” Ventura had appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman in 1999 and commented that the streets of St. Paul must have been laid out by drunken Irishmen.

Black and white photograph of participants in a Dancing Follies event held at St. Paul's Jewish Community Center on October 24, 1949.

Jewish Community Center Dancing Follies

Participants in a Dancing Follies event held at St. Paul's Jewish Community Center on October 24, 1949.

Poster advertising an event featuring Levi Shkolnik at the Jewish Educational Center in St. Paul. The poster announces that Shkolnik will speak at a public meeting to be held on February 13, 1939.

Jewish Education Center poster

Poster advertising an event featuring Levi Shkolnik at the Jewish Educational Center in St. Paul. The poster announces that Shkolnik will speak at a public meeting to be held on February 13, 1939.

Black and white photograph of the exterior of the Jewish Educational Center at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center, 1935.

Jewish Educational Center at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center, St. Paul, Minnesota

Exterior of the Jewish Educational Center at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center, 1935.

Black and white photograph of the exterior of the Jewish Home for the Aged, 1554 Midway Parkway, St. Paul, 1956.

Jewish Home for the Aged on Midway

The exterior of the Jewish Home for the Aged, 1554 Midway Parkway, St. Paul, 1956. Photograph by Norton & Peel.

Black and white photograph of the exterior of the Jewish Home for the Aged, 1554 Midway Parkway, St. Paul, c.1960.

Jewish Home for the Aged, 1554 Midway Parkway

The exterior of the Jewish Home for the Aged, 1554 Midway Parkway, St. Paul, c.1960.


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