Frank (Chuck Close)

Frank (Chuck Close)

Frank by Chuck Close, 1969. The model for this painting was not Frank himself but rather an eight-by-ten-inch photograph of him. Since the late 1960s, Chuck Close’s method has been to start with a photographic print that he enlarges and overlays with a grid. In Copyright – Educational Use Permitted (InC-EDU).

Frank B. Kellogg

Frank B. Kellogg

Frank B. Kellogg, c.1931.

Frank B. Kellogg being sworn in as Secretary of State, Washington, D.C.

Frank B. Kellogg being sworn in as Secretary of State, Washington, D.C.

Kellogg being sworn in as Secretary of State, 1925.

Frank B. Kellogg posed by the ruins of his old home in Olmsted County

Frank B. Kellogg posed by the ruins of his old home in Olmsted County

Kellogg posed next to the ruins of his former home in Olmsted County, c. 1922

Black and white photograph of Frank Boyd, c.1951.

Frank Boyd

Frank Boyd, c.1951.

Black and white photograph of a Frank Boyd testimonial dinner, with A. Philip Randolph standing, 1951.

Frank Boyd testimonial dinner

Frank Boyd testimonial dinner, with A. Philip Randolph standing, 1951.

Frank C. Kent

Frank C. Kent

Frank C. Kent, director of Hallie Q. Brown, ca. 1967. Photograph by A. H. Kelm.

Photograph of Frank Higgins, lumberjack skypilot, c.1910.

Frank E. Higgins

Photograph of Frank E. Higgins, lumberjack skypilot, c.1910.

Poster promoting a lecture by Francis "Frank" E. Higgins, the lumberjack sky pilot, c.1909.

Frank E. Higgins poster

Poster promoting a lecture by Francis "Frank" E. Higgins, the lumberjack sky pilot, c.1909.

Frank E. Nimocks

Frank E. Nimocks

Frank E. Nimocks, a state representative from Minneapolis who co-sponsored several bills with Sue M. Dickey Hough, including capital punishment bills. From The Legislative Manual of the State of Minnesota, N.p., 1923.


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