Bar scene at the Valhalla Café

Bar scene at the Valhalla Café

Bar scene at the Valhalla Café (105 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis) June 15, 1960. On this side of the café, patrons could purchase a shot of warm brandy for thirty-five cents in 1960, fifty cents for a double. Salty diner food promoted strong sales of Hamm’s and Grain Belt beer.

Black and white photograph of Barbara Thornton and Art Linkletter at Pillsbury Bake-Off, Dallas, Texas, 1968.

Barbara Thornton and Art Linkletter

Barbara Thornton and Art Linkletter at Pillsbury Bake-Off, Dallas, Texas, 1968.

Color image of the restored Barberg-Selvälä-Salmonson Sauna, Cokato, 2016. Photograph by Harvey Barberg.

Barberg-Selvälä-Salmonson Sauna, Cokato

Barberg-Selvälä-Salmonson Sauna, Cokato, 2016. Photograph by Harvey Barberg.

Informational circular to promote destruction of barberry bushes, ca. 1920s.

Barberry Eradication circular

Informational circular to promote destruction of barberry bushes, ca. 1920s.

Barberry eradication crew, ca. 1930s.The Barberry Eradication Program took advantage of government work relief programs during the era of the Great Depression.

Barberry eradication crew

Barberry eradication crew, ca. 1930s.The Barberry Eradication Program took advantage of government work relief programs during the era of the Great Depression.

photograph of a train in a clay pit, filled with clay

Barclay workers at Zumbrota

A Barclay Brick and Tile Company locomotive pulls three railcars filled with clay from the Zumbrota factory's pit.

Cover of Max Shulman’s Barefoot Boy With Cheek (Doubleday, Doran, 1943).

Barefoot Boy With Cheek

Cover of Max Shulman’s Barefoot Boy With Cheek (Doubleday, Doran, 1943).

Photograph of barkin (bar-kin; traditional Somali headrest)

Barkin (bar-kin; traditional Somali headrest)

Barkin (bar-kin; traditional Somali headrest). Photograph by Nikki Tundel, 2016.

Barn and gamekeeper’s house at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Barn and gamekeeper’s house at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Construction of the barn and gamekeeper's house, Carlos Avery Game Farm, 1936.

Veblen barn, Nerstrand, Minnesota, ca. 1890.

Barn at Veblen Farmstead

Veblen barn, Nerstrand, Minnesota, ca. 1890.


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