Black and white photograph of Elmer Benson by a lake, 1937.

Elmer Benson by a lake

Elmer Benson by a lake, 1937.

Black and white photograph of Elmer Benson giving a speech, c.1937.

Elmer Benson giving a speech

Elmer Benson giving a speech, c.1937.

Black and white photograph of Governor Elmer Benson signing a barbers’ fair trade bill. Photograph by the St. Paul Daily News, 1937.

Elmer Benson signs barbers’ fair trade bill

Governor Elmer Benson signs a barbers’ fair trade bill. Photograph by the St. Paul Daily News, 1937.

Black and white photograph of a spontaneous demonstration for Governor Elmer Benson at Duluth Convention, 1938.

Elmer Benson supporters

Spontaneous demonstration for Governor Elmer Benson at Duluth Convention, 1938.

Black and white photograph of Elmer Benson waving from a campaign train, c.1936.

Elmer Benson waving from a campaign train

Elmer Benson waving from a campaign train, c.1936.

Black and white photograph of Governor Elmer Benson (center right) at a conference with American Gas Machine Company strike representatives in Albert Lea, 1937.

Elmer Benson with strike representatives

Governor Elmer Benson (center right) at a conference with American Gas Machine Company strike representatives in Albert Lea, 1937.

Elmer L. Andersen

Elmer L. Andersen

Elmer L. Anderson, c.1960

Elmer Uggen, music faculty, as show in the July 1924 Northwest Monthly publication of the Northwest School of Agriculture.

Elmer Uggen, band and stringed Instruments

Elmer Uggen, music faculty, as show in the July 1924 Northwest Monthly publication of the Northwest School of Agriculture.

Elmer Uggen, music faculty, as shown in the 1926 Red River Aggie yearbook from the Northwest School of Agriculture.

Elmer Uggen, bandmaster and orchestra director

Elmer Uggen, music faculty, as shown in the 1926 Red River Aggie yearbook from the Northwest School of Agriculture.

Black and white photograph of Elof Wedin, 1958.

Elof Wedin

Elof Wedin, 1958.


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