A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Samuel Bloomer wearing Grand Army of the Republic badge, 1875.
Monument marking Bloomer's grave in Fairview Cemetery, Stillwater, Minnesota. Photograph by Peter DeCarlo, 2009.
Samuel Bloomer, 1880.
Samuel Bloomer in his Ordinance Sergeant Uniform, c.1862.
Outdoor shot of a visiting Mr. (sitting behind the steering wheel) and Mrs. (standing next to him) Pandolfo, with 1919 Pan Car, in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Portrait studio bust of Samuel C. Pandolfo, Pan Motor Company, St. Cloud, Minnesota, c.1917.
Samuel Deinard, c.1905. Deinard served as president of the Minneapolis NAACP in 1914.
Samuel Gompers, c.1918.
Samuel H. Morgan, ca 1990s.
Samuel H. Morgan Land Fund logo.