A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Ruins of car after fire, Kettle River Road, 1918.
Abandoned Fort Ripley, c.1895. Ruins of the laundry and ordnance room are in the foreground, next to the long enlisted barracks.
Ruins of Masonic Temple, Cloquet, 1918.
Ruins of Pettit, Zenith, and Galaxy Mills after the Washburn A Mill explosion, Minneapolis, 1878. Stereograph by Nowack & Chase.
Ruins of the Pettit, Zenith, and Galaxy Mills after Washburn A Mill explosion on the Mississippi Riverfront, 1878.
Ruins of Washburn A Mill after explosion, Minneapolis, 1878. Photograph by Jacoby.
Ruins of Washburn A Mill and other mills after explosion, Minneapolis, 1878. Photograph by Jacoby.
The ruins of Washburn A Mill in Minneapolis after flour dust sparked an explosion inside the building, 1878.
Ruins of Weber's residence after cyclone, Rochester. Stereograph by J. C. Cook, August 21, 1883.
The Rum River Inn bar and restaurant (formerly the Riverside Hotel) in St. Francis, July 1990. Anoka County Historical Society, Object ID# 2057.5.70. Used with the permission of Anoka County Historical Society.