Black and white photograph of a public school in Tower, ca. 1910.

Public school, Tower

Public school in Tower, ca. 1910.

Black and white publicity photograph of Hilda Simms, c.1955.

Publicity photograph of Hilda Simms

A publicity photograph of Hilda Simms, c.1955.

Color image of a pinback button showing the support of Puertoriceños (Puerto Ricans) for presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey and his running mate, Ed Muskie, in 1968.

Puerto Ricans for Humphrey campaign button

Pinback button showing the support of Puertoriceños (Puerto Ricans) for presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey and his running mate, Ed Muskie, in 1968.

Black and white photograph of Pullman porter Dewey Jackson, c.1955.

Pullman porter Dewey Jackson

Pullman porter Dewey Jackson, c.1955.

Black and white photograph of Pullman porter Wade Hamilton, c.1920.

Pullman porter Wade Hamilton

Pullman porter Wade Hamilton, c.1920.

Pumping Station number three, Minneapolis.

Pumping Station number three, Minneapolis

Pumping Station Number 3, c.1898.

Purple Rain album cover

Purple Rain album cover

The cover of Prince’s album Purple Rain (1984).

Purple Rain playing at First Avenue

Purple Rain playing at First Avenue

Prince fans in mourning watch a clip from the movie Purple Rain during an all-night dance party held at First Avenue on April 21, 2016, the day of Prince’s death from an accidental fentanyl overdose.

Put and Take game

Put and Take game

Put and Take game. Manufactured by Schaper Manufacturing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1956.

Putting up a Christmas Tree in Gateway Park, 1931

Putting up a Christmas Tree in Gateway Park, 1931.

Men posing near a large Christmas tree to be put up between the fountain and pavilion building in Gateway Park.


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