Mystery Cave

Mystery Cave

Mystery Cave passageway at Forestville Mystery Cave State Park, an example of caves formed from having karst topography. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever, July 27, 2013. CC BY-SA 4.0.

Elmer Uggen, shown here with his violin in the Agassiz yearbook, (front row, third from left) served as concertmaster for the North Dakota Agricultural College Orchestra in 1914 and 1915.

N.D.A.C. Orchestra 1914–1915

Elmer Uggen, shown here with his violin in the Agassiz yearbook, (front row, third from left) served as concertmaster for the North Dakota Agricultural College Orchestra in 1914 and 1915.

Black and white photograph of NAACP members picketing outside Woolworth’s for integrated lunch counters, St. Paul, 1960.

NAACP members picketing outside Woolworth’s in St. Paul

NAACP members picketing outside Woolworth’s for integrated lunch counters, St. Paul, 1960.

Black and white photograph of the Nacirema Club (“America backwards), 1975.

Nacirema Club

Nacirema Club (“America backwards), 1975.

Namakan Lake

Namakan Lake

Namakan Lake in Voyageurs National Park. National Park Service, ca. 2010s. Public domain.

Names on the base of the Iron Man Memorial

Names on the base of the Iron Man Memorial

Names on the base of the Iron Man Memorial, Chisholm. The names of individual Iron Range residents (many of whom were miners) as well as their family members are listed on the base of the Iron Man Memorial in Chisholm as the result of corporate and individual donations. Photograph by Suzanne Rian, October 2020.

Color image of the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt at the Metrodome, 1988.

NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt at the Metrodome

NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt at the Metrodome, 1988. Photograph by Manuel Miranda III.

Color image of a NAMES Project Bandana given to Brian Coyle for reading names from the AIDS quilt when it was shown at the Metrodome, July 16–17, 1988.

NAMES Project Bandana

Names Project Bandana given to Brian Coyle for reading names from the AIDS quilt when it was shown at the Metrodome, July 16–17, 1988.

Color image of a NAMES Project Button worn by Brian Coyle when he read name from the AIDS Quilt during the Names Project Tour at the Metrodome, 1988.

NAMES Project button

NAMES Project Button worn by Brian Coyle when he read name from the AIDS Quilt during the Names Project Tour at the Metrodome, 1988.

Color image of a cotton handkerchief given to volunteers at the NAMES Project tour stop in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1988.

NAMES Project handkerchief

Cotton handkerchief given to volunteers at the NAMES Project tour stop in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1988.


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