Mosaic inside Lakewood Chapel

Mosaic inside Lakewood Chapel

Mosaic inside Lakewood Chapel, 1918.

Motel on Highway 61

Motel on Highway 61

A motel on Highway 61 in Minnesota, ca. 2010s. From Highway 61, by Jessica Lange (powerHouse Books, 2019). Used with the permission of powerHouse Books.

Color image of an oil painting of Mother Benedicta Riepp, c.1980s. Painting by Sister Thomas Carey, O.S.B.

Mother Benedicta Riepp

Oil painting of Mother Benedicta Riepp, c.1980s. Painting by Sister Thomas Carey, O.S.B. No verified photograph of Mother Benedicta Riepp exists.

Black and white photograph of a Motor Corps airplane about to take off at Camp Lakeview, Lake City, Minnesota, September, 1918.

Motor Corps airplane about to take off

Motor Corps airplane about to take off at Camp Lakeview, Lake City, Minnesota, September, 1918. Photograph from Minnesota Historical Society Sound and Visual Collection II.4.

Black and white photograph of Motor Corps headquarters at Colonel Winfield Stephens Buick dealership in Minneapolis, c.1918.

Motor Corps headquarters

Motor Corps headquarters at Colonel Winfield Stephens' Buick dealership in Minneapolis, c.1918. Photograph from Minnesota Historical Society Sound and Visual Collection II.4.

Black and white photograph of Motor Corps officer, Chet Walker, nicknamed "the Army," during a recruiting tour in Red Wing, Minnesota, 1918.

Motor Corps officer, Chet Walker

Motor Corps officer, Chet Walker, nicknamed "the Army," during a recruiting tour in Red Wing, Minnesota, 1918.

Black and white photograph of Motor Corps vehicles at Camp Lakeview, Lake City, Minnesota, September, 1918.

Motor Corps vehicles

Motor Corps vehicles at Camp Lakeview, Lake City, Minnesota, September, 1918. An estimated $300,000 worth of automobiles were present. Photograph from Minnesota Historical Society Sound and Visual Collection II.4

Black and white photograph of relief workers unloading coffins from Motor Corps vehicles after the fires of 1918.

Motor Corps vehicles in use after fires of 1918

Relief workers unloading coffins from Motor Corps vehicles after the fires of 1918.

Black and white photograph of Motor Corpsmen presenting arms at Camp Lakeview, Lake City, Minnesota, September, 1918.

Motor Corpsmen presenting arms

Motor Corpsmen presenting arms at Camp Lakeview, Lake City, Minnesota, September, 1918. Photograph from Minnesota Historical Society Sound and Visual Collection II.4.

photograph of uniformed motorette

Motorette Helen Murphy

Motorette Helen Murphy at the Snelling Station, Snelling and University Avenues, St. Paul, about 1945.


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