India booth at the 2008 Festival of Nations

India booth at the 2008 Festival of Nations

The booth representing India at the 2008 Festival of Nations, St. Paul.

India Fest 2010

India Fest 2010

India Fest at the Minnesota State Capitol, 2010.

Black and white photograph of Indian Civilian Conservation Corps crew on the stockade site at the end of the first day of work, Grand Portage, Minnesota, 1937. Photographed by Willoughby Maynard Babcock, Jr.

Indian Civilian Conservation Corps crew

Indian Civilian Conservation Corps crew on the stockade site at the end of the first day of work, Grand Portage, Minnesota, 1937. Photographed by Willoughby Maynard Babcock, Jr.

Black and white photograph of an Indian Congregation, Sawyer, Fond du Lac Reservation, 1909–1912.

Indian Congregation, Sawyer, Fond du Lac Reservation

Indian Congregation, Sawyer, Fond du Lac Reservation, 1909–1912.

Native delegation in Washington, D.C.; Bagone-giizhig is standing on the balcony, to right of second pillar from the left

Indian delegation in Washington, D.C.

Photograph of a Native American delegation to Washington, D.C., c.1868. Bagone-giizhig (Hole-in-the-Day the younger) is standing on the balcony to the right of the second pillar from the left.

Colorized post card view of Indian Mounds Park, 1908.

Indian Mounds Park post card

Post card view of Indian Mounds Park, 1908.

Indian Training School gymnasium

Indian Training School gymnasium, Pipestone, 1935.

Indigenous float at Twin Cities Pride

Indigenous float at Twin Cities Pride

Organizers of an Indigenous parade float at Twin Cities Pride in Minneapolis. Photograph by Randy Stern, June 26, 2011.

Scan of a documents showing Indochinese Refugee Households in the Twin City Metro Area, December 1980.

Indochinese Refugee Households in the Twin City Metro Area

Indochinese Refugee Households in the Twin City Metro Area, December 1980. Scanned image is from, Public Welfare Department: Refugee Programs Office records, 1975–1986, State Archives Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Black and white photograph of Indochinese refugees arriving in Iowa, 1979.

Indochinese refugees arriving in Iowa

“A Warm Iowa Welcome for Boat People.” Des Moines Register, April 30, 1979.


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