A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Water tower in Harmony (Fillmore County), Minnesota, May 2018. Photograph by Amy Jo Hahn, May 2018. Used with the permission of Amy Jo Hahn.
Harold Stassen and his wife, Esther Glewwe Stassen, c.1939.
Harold and Esther Stassen cast their ballots during an election, c.1940.
Harold E. Stassen, John Foster Dulles, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, c.1953.
Minnesota Governor-Elect Harold LeVander, 1966.
Harold LeVander (far right) with his wife, Iantha (second from left), at a party during his term as governor of Minnesota (1967–1971).
Harold LeVander at his desk, ca. 1970.
Harold LeVander giving a speech during his term as governor of Minnesota (1967–1971).
Harold LeVander (seated at center) signing a proclamation coinciding with National Negro History Week, November 1969.
Harold LeVander (seated at center) with his wife, Iantha (seated at right), and their three children (Jean, standing; Harold, Jr., seated at far left; and Dyan, kneeling), 1967.