A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Image from the 1921 Victory Memorial Drive dedication ceremony showing a group seated in front of a memorial tree. The trunk of the tree, a wooden cross, and a wreath can be seen at the left of the frame.
The safety patrol at work, c.1930.
John Ireland (center) with a group of clergymen, c.1905.
Group of Ojibwe, including Mike Flatte, at Grand Portage, ca. 1885.
Group of Ojibwe in front of a wigwam at Grand Portage. Photograph by George A. Newton, ca. 1905.
Group of patients at the Minnesota State Sanatorium, 1915. Photographer: Charles J. Hibbard.
Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry veterans photograph at a reunion, 1905.
Group of students at Hamline University, Red Wing; Margaret Fraser Sumner in back row with braids, c.1861
Children and adults during a picnic. Photograph by Charles Chamblis, ca. 1985.
A group gathers outside the reconstructed Lac qui Parle Mission in 1942, probably for a dedication ceremony.