A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Grant County Farmer's Holiday Association among the marchers to the State Capitol, 1935. Photograph by George E. Luxton.
Grant Dunne, Minneapolis labor leader, ca. 1930s.
Graphite Drawing of Fort Ripley, 1863. Drawing by Jonathan Burnett Salisbury.
Graphite drawing of Fort Ripley from east the Mississippi, 1863. Drawing by Jonathan Burnett Salisbury.
Graphite drawing of Fort Snelling, 1863.
Grass hot pad and wicker basket for doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.
This 1888 engraving depicts the 1873–1877 grasshopper plague in Minnesota and a method of capturing the young grasshoppers.
Grasshoppers waiting for the temperature to rise before moving into a corn field in Marshall, Minnesota, ca. 1930s.
Gratia Countryman at desk in Minneapolis Public Library, c.1945.
Gratia Countryman, head librarian in Minneapolis, 1928. Photograph by George E. Luxton.