A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Pinback button commemorating the dedication of a Sons of Norway lodge home in Albert Lea, Minnesota, 1978.
Sons of Norway display, 2018. Used with the permission of Janelle Kaye.
Members of a Sons of Norway lodge gather in Windom, 1925.
Members of the Sons of Norway’s Nidaros Lodge marching in a parade, ca. 1900.
Soo Line depot, Pierz, c.1915.
Soo Line dining car tray showing map of Soo Line route, 1930s.
Soo Line railway employee pass, 1901.
Soo Line railway employee’s time pass, 1891
Soo Line Railway ticket, including free admission to the Exposition Building, October 1888.
Soo Line shops and yard, Minneapolis, c.1925. Photograph by Charles P. Gibson.