Rev. Dale Anderson (right) with Rev. David Wold (center) and LeRoy Cunningham (left) outside Pilgrim Baptist Church (732 Central Avenue West, St. Paul), March 28, 1974. Anderson and Wold played basketball for a local St. Paul team called the Preachers.
Rev. Denzil A. Carty, ca. 1950s. In The Scott Collection: Minnesota’s Black Community in the ‘50s, 60s, and ‘70s (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 2018), page 365.
Rev. Denzil A. Carty (standing at center) with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. (sitting) in 1956, during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. From the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder.
Rev. Michael J. Casey, date unknown. From New Church Dedication Book: A Retrospect of Thirty-Six Years, 1914–1950 (St. Paul: Church of St. Columba, [1950]), page 6.
Photograph of Reverend Bernt J. Muus c.1880. Muus was a leading nineteenth century Norwegian-American Lutheran clergyman whose legal and personal clashes with his wife, Oline Pind Muus, led the couple to court in the early 1880s.