Oliver Mining Company $1.00 scrip note. This note was used as currency in the communities near the mines that OMC operated. The bill features an image of miners working in a mine, and the bill was issued in the Canisteo District in 1907.
Oliver Mining Company employee gardens, 1923. Oliver Mining Company allowed employees to plant and harvest from gardens within their communities. This garden was located in Fayal Location, near Eveleth.
Oliver Mining Company steam-powered shovel near Hibbing, 1919. In this method of mining, a shovel removes overburden, the rock and soil that covers the ore body, so that miners can access the ore from the open pit.
Oliver-built homes in Marble, Minnesota, 1920. The company designed and built homes in in the Canisteo District for employees to live in as they populated towns throughout the western Mesabi Range.