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Miniature bamboo ladle for a doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.
Miniature fan for a doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.
Miniature Japanese green tea prep bowl. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.
Miniature lidded water jar for a doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.
Miniature birchbark makak (Ojibwe storage basket) decorated in floral motifs employing colored cord and yarn. The makak is filled with maple sugar.
Miniature birchbark makak (storage container) filled with maple sugar, ca. late 1800s–early 1900s. Collected by Darwin S. Hall at the White Earth Reservation of Ojibwe.
A miniature version of a Northland Transportation Company bus. Date of manufacture unknown but ca. 1930.
Miniature peace cap and felt flower for a doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.
A miniature train ride for children at Wonderland, c.1906.
Mining townsite one mile east of Biwabik (St. Louis County), 1892.