A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Merchants National Bank, Winona, May 12, 2017. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever. CC BY-SA 4.0
Merchants National Bank, Third and Lafayette, Winona, 1959. Photographer: Eugene Debs Becker.
Merchants National Bank, Winona, 1972.
Meridel Le Sueur, c.1940.
Meridel Le Sueur (right) with writer and poet Molly Culligan (left), 1980.
Meridel Le Sueur, c.1975.
Merion Lovelace, daughter of Delos and Maud Hart Lovelace, c.1931.
Merriam Park Floral and Gift Company, 2250 University Avenue, St. Paul, 1960, lost to freeway construction. Photo by St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.
Merriam Park Pharmacy, St. Anthony and Prior Avenues, St. Paul, ca. 1910. This building was lost to construction of Interstate 94.
Merrill Dwelle, member of the Second Company of Minnesota Sharpshooters, c.1864. Photograph by Joel Emmons Whitney.