Charles A. Lindbergh "Jenny" exhibit, Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, 1982. The iconic plane survived the Thanksgiving fire that destroyed the building in November of that year.
Lintonite within a waterworn anorthosite pebble from the north shore of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Mineral Collection. Photo by Joshua Feinberg.
Lionel Richie, Apollonia Kotero, and Eddie Murphy at the premiere of the movie Purple Rain, held in Los Angeles on July 26, 1984. Photo by Ellen Jaskol. Los Angeles Times Photographic Collection, Department of Special Collections, UCLA Library.
Lisa Bellanger, Pat Bellanger’s daughter, dancing at a powwow in Lac Courte Oreilles, Wisconsin, before the American Indian Movement’s takeover of Winter Dam in August of 1971. The Lac Courte Oreilles band of Ojibwe sought AIM’s help in drawing attention to the flooding damage to their land the dam had caused. Photograph by Dick Bancroft; used with the permission of the estate of Dick Bancroft.