Black and white photograph of Charlie Pitts (deceased), a robber in the Northfield raid, 1876. Pitts was shot dead outside Madelia on September 21, 1876. Photographed by Sumner’s Studio.

Charlie Pitts (deceased), a robber in the Northfield raid

Charlie Pitts (deceased), a robber in the Northfield raid, 1876. Pitts was shot dead outside Madelia on September 21, 1876. Photographed by Sumner’s Studio.

Charlie Skon's Bike Club

Charlie Skon's Bike Club

Charlie Skon's Bike Club, eastside of St. Paul, c.1900. Skon is wearing the black suit.

Tinted cabinet photograph of Charlotte Ouisconsin Clark Van Cleve taken by Floyd and Power c.1875.

Charlotte O. Van Cleve

Tinted cabinet photograph of Charlotte Ouisconsin Clark Van Cleve taken by Floyd and Power c.1875.

Chaska Brickyards

Chaska Brickyards

Brickyard factory in Chaska, c.1913.

Black and white photograph of flood at Chaska, 1965

Chaska flood

Flood at Chaska, 1965. Photographed by Les Melchert.

Black and white photograph of Chaska Flood, Oak and Second Streets, 1965

Chaska Flood, Oak and Second Streets

Chaska Flood, Oak and Second Streets, 1965. Photographed by Les Melchert and Werner Studio, April 10, 1965.

Black and white photograph of flood at Chaska, 1965. Photographed by Les Melchert.

Chaska flooding

Flood at Chaska, 1965. Photographed by Les Melchert.

Color photograph of Chaska History Center (Brinkhaus Livery Stable).

Chaska History Center (Brinkhaus Livery Stable)

View of the Chaska History Center, housed in the historic Brinkhaus Livery Stable, c.2011.

Chef Oscar's barbeque spices packet

Chef Oscar's barbeque spices packet

Spices packet manufactured by Oscar Howard Frozen Foods, Inc., in Minneapolis, ca. 1980.

Plastic container for frozen pork chittlings, marketed and sold from the late 1960s to 1970s by Oscar C. Howard under the Chef Oscar brand.

Chef Oscar’s pork chittlings

Plastic container for frozen pork chittlings, marketed and sold from the late 1960s to 1970s by Oscar C. Howard under the Chef Oscar brand.


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