Ensemble cast of Story of a Mother, 1978. Left to right: Bernadette Hak Eun Cha, Antoinette T. Maher, Rebecca Rice, Carmen Maria Rosario, Sherry Blakey Banal. Photograph by Terry Gydesen.
Enslaved people and their homes, Helena, Arkansas, 1864. This photograph was taken while Sixth Minnesota Volunteers were camped in Helena. Photograph by T. W. Bankes.
The entrance sign to the Gunflint Trail. Photographed on May 11, 1939, by the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Region 9. Public domain.
Entrance sign at Savanna Portage State Park acknowledging the area’s Indigenous and fur-trading history, 2018. Photograph by Jon Lurie; used with the permission of Jon Lurie.