A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
The Macalester women’s basketball team (ca. 1899).
Women’s building at Willmar State Asylum, ca. 1920.
The NWSA’s camp for farmers’ wives, hosted by the Farm Bureau on the NWSA campus, June 7–9, 1949.
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, greeted by Mayor Anderson of Minneapolis, 1931.
Women’s program of work brochure, Minnesota Farm Bureau, 1958.
Wonderland at night. Note the 120-foot electric tower at the center of the postcard, 1905–1912.
A wooden long bow with a fiber string used in the US–Dakota War of 1862.
Wood Lake Battle monument, c.1958.
Drawing of view of Wood Lake Battlefield, forty-three miles from Fort Ridgely, c.1862. Drawing by Albert Colgrave.
The Rum River side and enclosed porch of the Woodbury House, 1993. Photographer unknown. Anoka County Historical Society, Object ID# 3000.4.32-B. Used with the permission of Anoka County Historical Society.