A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Mrs. Andrew A. Olsen preparing lutefisk at her home (622 East Magnolia Street, St. Paul) on December 12, 1936. Photograph by the St. Paul Daily News.
Woman reading to children at the Neighborhood House, c.1925.
Woman standing by an electric stove, 1940. Photographed by the Minneapolis Star Journal.
Woman using an electric mixer, 1938. Photographed by the Minneapolis Star Journal.
Woman with a bicycle, ca. 1895. Photo by Guy M. Baltuff.
Woman with canned vegetables, part of Farm Security Administration program. Photograph taken by John Vachon, 1939.
Woman with prize-winning quilt, 1926.
Woman with turkeys, 1952. Photograph by Norton & Peel.
Woman with two boys at the Northeast Neighborhood House, c.1925.
Woman working on the wiring of a B-24 "Liberator" bomber. Photograph by the Minneapolis Star and Tribune, May 24, 1944. Forms part of the Minneapolis and St. Paul Newspaper Negative Collection, Minnesota Historical Society.