Toastmaster advertisement, 1953

Toastmaster advertisement, 1953

Part of a flier (cropped from the original) advertising the "New DeLuxe Toastmaster Toast & Jam Set," 1953. Object ID from the collections of The Henry Ford, Dearborn, Michigan.

Toastmaster advertisement, 1953

Toastmaster advertisement, 1953

Flier advertising "The Most Distinctly Different Toaster in the World, The Sensational New Toastmaster," 1953. Object ID from the collections of The Henry Ford, Dearborn, Michigan.

Toastmaster advertisement, 1955

Toastmaster advertisement, 1955

Magazine advertisement for the Toastmaster toaster, 1955. Object ID 2008.122.7 from the collections of The Henry Ford, Dearborn, Michigan.

Toastmaster advertisement, 1959

Toastmaster advertisement, 1959

Toastmaster advertisement printed in Ladies’ Home Journal, 1959. Object ID 2008.122.26 from the collections of The Henry Ford, Dearborn, Michigan.

Toastmaster advertisement, ca. 1940s

Toastmaster advertisement, ca. 1940s

Segment of a Toastmaster advertisement (cropped from the original) printed in the Saturday Evening Post, ca. 1940s. From box 6 (148.F.4.2F) of the MacMartin Advertising Agency records, 1905–1980. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Toastmaster advertisement, undated

Toastmaster advertisement, undated

Segment of a Toastmaster advertisement, undated. From box 6 (148.F.4.2F) of the MacMartin Advertising Agency records, 1905–1980. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Toastmaster manufactured in 1921

Toastmaster manufactured in 1921

Toastmaster pop-up bread toaster invented by Charles P. Strite and manufactured in Minneapolis by the Waters-Genter Company in 1921.

Tobacco consumption in the United States, 1900–1995

Tobacco consumption in the United States, 1900–1995

Graph of total and per capita cigarette consumption in the United States, 1900–1995. Created by the US Department of Agriculture; public domain.

Black and white photograph of a toboggan slide built at the NSWA by students, December 13, 1916. Printed in the school’s 1916 yearbook.

Toboggan slide built by students

Toboggan slide built at the NSWA by students, December 13, 1916. Printed in the school’s 1916 yearbook.

Black and white photograph of a toddler playing with blocks at the Northeast Neighborhood House, c.1925.

Toddler playing with blocks at the Northeast Neighborhood House

Toddler playing with blocks at the Northeast Neighborhood House, c.1925.


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