Black and white photograph of the Round tower covered in vegetation,1935. Photographed by Norton and Peel.

Round tower covered in vegetation

View of Round tower covered in vegetation,1935. Photographed by Norton and Peel.

Color scan of a Round Tower postcard, c.1905.

Round Tower postcard

Round Tower postcard, c.1905.

Color image of the Round Tower at Historic Fort Snelling, 2010. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Jonathunder.

Round Tower, Historic Fort Snelling

The Round Tower at Historic Fort Snelling, 2010. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Jonathunder.

Row house interior

Row house interior

Interior of a room in the reconstructed row house at the Snake River Fur Post in Pine City, Minnesota, 2010s.

Roy Campanella, June 13, 1948. In that year, Campanella became the first African American to play in the American Association when he played for the St. Paul Saints. Photograph by the St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Roy Campanella

Roy Campanella, June 13, 1948. In that year, Campanella became the first African American to play in the American Association when he played for the St. Paul Saints. Photograph by the St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Black-and-white photograph of Professor Roy W. Meyer at his Mankato State College desk in the early 1960s.

Roy W. Meyer

Black-and-white photograph of Professor Roy W. Meyer at his Mankato State College desk in the early 1960s.

Portrait photograph of Roy Wilkins

Roy Wilkins

Roy Wilkins, c.1955. Photograph by Fabian Bachrach.

Photograph of Martin Luther King, Roy Wilkins, and Thurgood Marshall

Roy Wilkins (center) with Martin Luther King and Thurgood Marshall

Roy Wilkins (center) with Martin Luther King and Thurgood Marshall, c.1959. Photograph by Cecil Layne.

1975 Photograph of Roy Wilkins, Samuel Richardson, Governor Wendell Anderson and an unidentified man.

Roy Wilkins (second from left) with Samuel Richardson (left), unidentified man, and Governor Wendell R. Anderson (far right)

Roy Wilkins (second from left) with Samuel Richardson (left), unidentified man, and Governor Wendell R. Anderson (far right), 1975.

Rudy Boschwitz

Rudy Boschwitz

Republican Rudy Boschwitz ca. 1980, two years after he won election to the US Senate as part of the Minnesota Massacre.


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