Minnesota’s first four female legislators

Minnesota’s first four female legislators

Group photo of the first four women state legislators in Minnesota (left to right): Mabeth Hurd Paige, Sue M. Dickey Hough, Myrtle Cain, and Hannah Kempfer. Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, April 22, 1923. Accessed on microfilm at the Minnesota Historical Society.

Mirror and case for a doll

Mirror and case for a doll

Mirror in a black case with gold-painted design for a doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.

Black and white photograph of the  Mirror Room, Burbank-Livingston-Griggs house, 432 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, c. 1972.

Mirror Room, Burbank-Livingston-Griggs house

Mirror Room, Burbank-Livingston-Griggs house, 432 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, c. 1972.

Mirror stand with gold-painted designs for a doll

Mirror stand for a doll

Mirror stand with gold-painted designs for a doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.

Black and white photograph of MISLS class at Fort Snelling, c.1944

MISLS class

MISLS class at Fort Snelling, c.1944

Black and white photograph of MISLS students in mess clothing, Fort Snelling, c.1944.

MISLS students in mess clothing, Fort Snelling

MISLS students in mess clothing, Fort Snelling, c.1944.

Miss Miyazaki doll

Miss Miyazaki doll

Miss Miyazaki (Tokushima) Japanese friendship doll made by Yoshitoku Doll Corporation, ca. 1927.

Missabe Mountain Mine, Virginia, ca. 1920. The mine was the first to be purchased by Henry Oliver and it formed the backbone on which Oliver Mining Company was built. In 2019, the it is part of the Rouchleau pit complex.

Missabe Mountain Mine, Virginia

Missabe Mountain Mine, Virginia, ca. 1920. The mine was the first to be purchased by Henry Oliver and it formed the backbone on which Oliver Mining Company was built. In 2019, the it is part of the Rouchleau pit complex.

Colorized postcard of the Missabe Mountain open pit mine in Franklin, c.1915.

Missabe Mountain open pit mine, Franklin

Postcard of the Missabe Mountain open pit mine in Franklin, c.1915.

Mississippi River Bridge and Kline Sanatorium

Mississippi River Bridge and Kline Sanatorium

The old Mississippi River bridge, with the Kline Sanatorium in the background at right, with a view looking north from Champlin into Anoka. Photographer unknown; captured between 1902 and 1928. Anoka County Historical Society, object ID #0003.2.59. Used with the permission of the Anoka County Historical Society.


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