Miners at Soudan Mine

Miners at Soudan Mine

Miners—many of them probably northern European immigrants—in the pit of the Soudan mine, Tower, 1890.

Troy Mine

Miners at Troy Mine outside the town of Eveleth

Miners at Troy Mine outside the town of Eveleth on the Mesabi Iron Range, c.1905.

Miners at work in an underground drift in Seller Mine, Hibbing

Miners at work in an underground drift in Seller Mine

Miners at work in an underground drift in Seller Mine, Hibbing. Photograph by Underwood & Underwood Studio, 1906.

Miners transporting ore, Chisholm

Miners transporting ore, Chisholm

Underground scene showing miners and the motors used in transporting ore, Chisholm. Photograph taken in 1915 by Minneapolis Times staff. Part of the Minneapolis Times newspaper photographs and clippings collection.

Mines Experiment Station, 1923. The station at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities was key in the commercialization of taconite under the direction of E. W. Davis.

Mines Experiment Station

Mines Experiment Station, 1923. The station at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities was key in the commercialization of taconite under the direction of E. W. Davis.

Miniature bamboo ladle

Miniature bamboo ladle

Miniature bamboo ladle for a doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.

Miniature fan for a doll

Miniature fan for a doll

Miniature fan for a doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.

Miniature Japanese green tea prep bowl

Miniature Japanese green tea prep bowl

Miniature Japanese green tea prep bowl. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.

Miniature lidded water jar for a doll

Miniature lidded water jar

Miniature lidded water jar for a doll. Part of the Miss Miyazaki Japanese friendship doll trousseau, ca. 1927.

Miniature birchbark makak (Ojibwe storage basket) decorated in floral motifs employing colored cord and yarn. The makak is filled with maple sugar.

Miniature makak containing maple sugar

Miniature birchbark makak (Ojibwe storage basket) decorated in floral motifs employing colored cord and yarn. The makak is filled with maple sugar.


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