A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Dakota beaded wall pocket made c.1900.
Dakota woman and children, ca. 1920.
Colorized picture postcard featuring a Dakota woman making beadwork, c.1930.
Graphite drawing of a Dakota woman processing a hide, c.1845. Drawing by Seth Eastman.
Dakota woman’s hide and wool dress, c.1850s.
Dakota women and children guarding corn from blackbirds. Photograph by Adrian John Ebell (Whitney's Gallery), August 1862.
Two Dakota women at the Fort Snelling concentration camp, c.1862–1863. Photograph by Joel Emmons Whitney.
A Dakota loom frame or heddle with wooden bars, early-to-mid 1800s.
Dalles of the St. Croix, Interstate Park, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1940.
The Dalles of the St. Croix River seen from the Wisconsin bank, July 2, 2009.