Dancing from the heart to a marinera song, Peru’s national dance, at Mi Perú-Minnesota’s Peruvian Independence Day Celebration event, held at the Recreation Outdoor Center (ROC) in St. Louis Park. Photograph by Angie Garcia, ca. 2018 or 2019. Used with the permission of Alateo Photography.
The Marion Ross Performing Arts Center (originally used as a firemen’s hall and Masonic lodge) at 147 North Broadway Avenue, Albert Lea. Photograph by Titian Butash, July 30, 2024.
Mark Twain’s early morning train out of Crookston on July 30, 1895, was delayed by forty-five minutes, leaving him annoyed. He used that extra time to board a baggage truck and have his manager, J. B. Pond, push him up and down the platform.
Marker at the burial site of J. W. Lynde (killed during the US–Dakota War of 1862) erected by the Minnesota Valley Historical Society in 1898. Photo by K. Linzmeier, July 30, 2013.