Judge Philip Neville

Judge Philip Neville

Judge Philip Neville, ca. 1974. Published in “Judge Neville Dies of Blood Disease at 64,” Minneapolis Tribune, February 15, 1974.

Portrait of Judge Robert C. Bell, 1934.

Judge Robert C. Bell

Portrait of Judge Robert C. Bell, 1934.

William Lochren

Judge William Lochren

Judge William Lochren, ca. 1890s. Lochren presided over the trial of Charles Malchow and Olly Burton in 1904.

Julebukker (Norwegian Christmas foolers)

Julebukker (Norwegian Christmas foolers)

Description: Norwegian Minnesotans in costume as julebukker (Christmas foolers), ca. 1908.

Julia B. Nelson, ca. 1866

Julia B. Nelson

Julia B. Nelson, ca. 1866.

Julia. B. Nelson, ca. 1903

Julia B. Nelson

Julia B. Nelson, ca. 1903.

Photograph of Julia B. Nelson with a pupil c.1865.

Julia B. Nelson with a pupil

Photograph of Julia B. Nelson with a pupil, c.1865.

Julia F. Gilbert (Mrs. Cass Gilbert)

Julia F. Gilbert (Mrs. Cass Gilbert)

Cass Gilbert's wife Julia F. Gilbert, 1880–1885

Black and white photograph of Julia Ann Sears, c.1872.

Julia Sears

Julia Ann Sears, c.1872.

Julia Ward Howe

Julia Ward Howe, 1908

Julia Ward Howe (1819–1910), ca. 1908.


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