A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
John S. Pillsbury Home, 1005 Fifth Street Southeast, Minneapolis, c.1885. Photograph by William H. Jacoby.
A wood-framed, glass-plated sign that hung in the Minnesota governor's office from 1876 to 1884.
John Scott Bradstreet, Lotus Table, ca. 1903–1907, cypress wood, Minneapolis Institute of Art.
Photograph of a gathering of people on the banks of the upper Mississippi River for a prayer meeting conducted by Reverend John Sornberger, c.1910.
John Strauss Sr. with William Blochinger and John Strauss Jr. in front of Strauss Skate Shop, 165 West Kellogg, St. Paul, 1938.
John Strauss, skate maker, 1919.
John Sweetman, founder of the Sweetman Catholic Colony, ca. 1885–1890.
John T. Bernard, c.1938. Photograph is from the John Bernard papers, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
John T. Bernard and his daughter, Marie, c.1930s.
John W. Vessey Jr., ca. 1983. Public domain.