A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Interior of a lumber mill, ca. 1915.
Interior of a President's Conference Committee (PCC) streetcar, September 5, 1953. Photographed by John Runk, Jr.
Pullman Golden Express, c.1915. Courtesy New York Public Library.
Sawmill interior, ca. 1900. Photo by Scholl.
The interior of an aqal (ah-kal), a traditional Somali home, recreated for the Somali Museum of Minnesota. An aqal is held together by ropes and tree branches and covered with kabad (hand-woven mats). Photograph by Nikki Tundel, 2016.
Interior of a turkey barn, ca. 1947.
Color photograph of the interior of Bet Shalom Congregation in Minnetonka. Photographed by Phillip Prowse c.2010.
Burbank-Livingston-Griggs house during occupancy of George Finch, 432 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, 1884.
Interior of B’nai Israel Synagogue and Dan Abraham Cultural Center, c.2008.